Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI)

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Structure of a CFI Code

CFI Categories

Category = Equities

Category = Collective Investment Vehicles

Category = Debt

Category = Listed Options

Category = Entitlements


Structure of a CFI Code

The CFI reflects characteristics that are defined when a financial instrument is issued and remains unchanged during its entire lifetime.

The CFI code consists of six alphabetical characters.





First Attribute

Second Attribute

Third Attribute

Fourth Attribute


The First character indicates the highest level of classification.

The second character indicates the specific Groups within each Category.

The third character indicates the most important attributes of each group.

The fourth character indicates the most important attributes of each group.

The fifth character indicates the most important attributes of each group.

The sixth character indicates the most important attributes of each group.


Equities (E)

Shares (S)

Voting (V)

Unrestricted (U)

Fully Paid (F)

Registered (R)


CFI Categories

Category = Equities

Instrument Description



Voting Right

Ownership / Transfer / Sales Restrictions

Payment Status


A Ordinary Share

E - Equities

S - Common / Ordinary Shares

V - Voting

N - Non-Voting

R - Restricted Voting

E - Enhanced Voting

T - Restrictions

U - Free (unrestricted)

O - Nil Paid

P - Partly Paid

F - Fully Paid

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

B Ordinary Share

N Ordinary

Ordinary Share


Instrument Description



Voting Right




Preference Shares

E - Equities

P - Preferred / Preference Shares

V - Voting

N - Non-Voting

R - Restricted Voting

E - Enhanced Voting

R - Redeemable

E - Extendible

T - Redeemable / Extendible

G - Exchangeable

A - Redeemable / Exchangeable / Extendible

C - Redeemable / Exchangeable

N - Perpetual

F - Fixed Rate Income

C - Cumulative, Fixed Rate Income

P - Participating Income

Q - Cumulative, Participating Income

A - Adjustable / Variable Rate Income

N - Normal Rate Income

U - Auction Rate Income

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description



Instrument Dependency

Redemption / Conversion of the Underlying Assets



Depository Receipt

E - Equities

D - Depositary Receipts on Equities

S - Common / Ordinary Shares

P - Preferred / Preference Shares

C - Common / Ordinary Convertible Shares

F - Preferred / Preference Convertible Shares

 L - Limited Partnership Units

M - Others (miscellaneous)

R - Redeemable

N - Perpetual

B - Convertible

D - Convertible / Redeemable

X - Not applicable / Undefined

F - Fixed Rate Income

C - Cumulative, Fixed Rate Income

P - Participating Income

Q - Cumulative, Participating Income

A - Adjustable / Variable Rate Income

N - Normal Rate Income

U - Auction Rate Income

D - Dividends

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description






Underlying Assets (4)

Securities (Other)

E - Equities

Y - Structured Instruments (Participation)

A - Tracker Certificate

B - Outperformance Certificate

C - Bonus Certificate

D - Outperformance bonus certificate

E - Twin-win-certificate

M - Others (miscellaneous)

D - Dividend Payments

Y - No Payments

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

F - Cash Repayment

V - Physical Repayment

E - Elect at Settlement

M - Others (miscellaneous)

B - Baskets

S - Equities

D - Debt instruments

G - Derivatives

T - Commodities

C - Currencies

I - Indices

N - Interest rates

M - Others (miscellaneous)


Category = Collective Investment Vehicles

Instrument Description



Closed / Open-end

Distribution Policy


Security Type and Investors Restrictions

Ordinary Share with REIT Status

C - Collective Investment Vehicles

B - Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)

C - Closed-end

O - Open-end

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

I - Income Funds

G - Accumulation Funds

J - Mixed Funds

X - Not Applicable / Underfined

S - Shares

Q - Shares for QI

U - Units

Y - Units for QI

Participatory Interest


Instrument Description



Closed / Open-end

Distribution Policy


Security Type

Exchange Traded Funds

C - Collective Investment Vehicles

E - Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

C - Closed-end

O - Open-end

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

I - Income Funds

G - Accumulation Funds

J - Mixed Funds

R - Real Estate

B - Debt Instruments

E - Equities

V - Convertible Securities

L - Mixed

C - Commodities

D - Derivatives

F - Referential Instruments (excluding commodities)

K - Credits

M - Others (miscellaneous)

S -Shares

U - Units



Category = Debt

Instrument Description



Type of Interest or Cash Payment

Guarantee or Ranking

Redemption / Reimbursement


Debenture (Debt)

D - Debt

B - Bonds

F - Fixed Rate

Z - Zero Rate / Discounted

V - Variable

C - Cash Payment

K - Payment in Kind

T - Government Guarantee

G - Joint Guarantee

S - Secured

U - Unsecured / Unguaranteed

P - Negative Pledge

N - Senior

O - Senior Subordinated

Q - Junior

J - Junior Subordinated

C - Supranational

F - Fixed Maturity

G - Fixed Maturity with Call Feature

C - Fixed Maturity with Put Feature

D - Fixed Maturity with Put and Call

A - Amortization Plan

B - Amortization Plan with Call Feature

T - Amortization Plan with Put Feature

L - Amortization Plan with Put and Call

P - Perpetual (bonds)

Q - Perpetual with Call Feature

R - Perpetual with Put Feature

E - Extendible

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description



Type of Interest or Cash Payment

Guarantee or Ranking

Redemption / Reimbursement


Bonds (Debt Instruments)

D - Debt

B - Bonds

F - Fixed Rate

Z - Zero Rate / Discounted

V - Variable

C - Cash Payment

K - Payment in Kind

T - Government Guarantee

G - Joint Guarantee

S - Secured

U - Unsecured / Unguaranteed

P - Negative Pledge

N - Senior

O - Senior Subordinated

Q - Junior

J - Junior Subordinated

C - Supranational

F - Fixed Maturity

G - Fixed Maturity with Call Feature

C - Fixed Maturity with Put Feature

D - Fixed Maturity with Put and Call

A - Amortization Plan

B - Amortization Plan with Call Feature

T - Amortization Plan with Put Feature

L - Amortization Plan with Put and Call

P - Perpetual (bonds)

Q - Perpetual with Call Feature

R - Perpetual with Put Feature

E - Extendible

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description



Type of Interest

Guarantee or Ranking

Redemption / Reimbursement


Convertible Bonds (Debt)

D - Debt

C - Convertible Bonds

F - Fixed Rate

Z - Zero Rate / Discounted

V - Variable

K - Payment in Kind

T - Government Guarantee

G - Joint Guarantee

S - Secured

U - Unsecured / Unguaranteed

P - Negative Pledge

N - Senior

O - Senior Subordinated

Q - Junior

J - Junior Subordinated

C - Supranational

F - Fixed Maturity

G - Fixed Maturity with Call Feature

C - Fixed Maturity with Put Feature

D - Fixed Maturity with Put and Call

A - Amortization Plan

B - Amortization Plan with Call Feature

T - Amortization Plan with Put Feature

L - Amortization Plan with Put and Call

P - Perpetual (bonds)

Q - Perpetual with Call Feature

R - Perpetual with Put Feature

E - Extendible

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description



Type of Interest

Guarantee or Ranking

Redemption / Reimbursement


Municipal Bonds (Debt)

D - Debt

N- Municipal Bonds

F - Fixed Rate

Z - Zero Rate / Discounted

V - Variable

T - Government Guarantee

G - Joint Guarantee

S - Secured

U - Unsecured / Unguaranteed

P - Negative Pledge

N - Senior

O - Senior Subordinated

Q - Junior

J - Junior Subordinated

C - Supranational

F - Fixed Maturity

G - Fixed Maturity with Call Feature

C - Fixed Maturity with Put Feature

D - Fixed Maturity with Put and Call

A - Amortization Plan

B - Amortization Plan with Call Feature

T - Amortization Plan with Put Feature

L - Amortization Plan with Put and Call

P - Perpetual (bonds)

Q - Perpetual with Call Feature

R - Perpetual with Put Feature

E - Extendible

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Category = Listed Options

Instrument Description



Exercise Option Style

Underlying Assets (2)


Standardized / Non-Standardized (4)

Call Option

O - Listed Options

C - Call Options

A - American (LO)

E - European (LO)

B - Bermudan (LO)

B - Basket

S - Stock Equities

D - Debt Instruments

T - Commodities

C - Currencies

I - Indices

O - Options

F - Futures

W - Swaps

N - Interest Rates

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

P - Physical

C - Cash

N - Non-deliverable

E - Elect at Exercise

S - Standardized

N - Non-standardized


Instrument Description








O - Listed Options

M - Other (Miscellaneous)

X - Not Applicable / Undefined

X - Not Applicable / Undefined

X - Not Applicable / Undefined

X - Not Applicable / Undefined


Category = Entitlements

Instrument Description



Assets (1)




Nil Paid Letters

R - Entitlements (Rights)

S - Subscription Rights

S - Common / ordinary shares

P - Preferred / preference shares

C - Common / ordinary convertible shares

F - Preferred / preference convertible shares

B - Bonds

I - Combined Instruments

M - Others (miscellaneous)

X - Not Applicable / Undefined

X - Not Applicable / Undefined

B - Bearer

R - Registered

N - Bearer / Registered

M - Others (Miscellaneous)


Instrument Description



Underlying Assets (1)


Call / Put (3)

Exercise Option Style


R - Entitlements (Rights)

W - Warrants

B - Basket

S - Equities

D - Debt Instruments/Interest Rates

T - Commodities

C - Currencies (Warrants)

I - Indices (Warrants)

M - Others (Miscellaneous)

T - Traditional Warrants

N - Naked Warrants

C - Covered Warrants

C - Call

P - Put

B - Call and Put

A - American

E - European

B - Bermudan

M - Others (Miscellaneous)